News from Josh

Hello friends of Wutan,

It feels like a while since I last saw you all but I've been incredibly busy finishing my Chinese Medicine course where I am officially a First class acupuncturist 🎉

I'm treating at Meadowside Osteopathy, in Farnham, on Mondays and Wednesdays so if anyone wants to book in for a session, you would be more than welcome and you can recieve a 15% discount off your sessions!

Acupuncture is an incredible form of complementary medicine which is included in one of the 5 branches of Chinese Medicine, along with Qi Gong and Tai Chi, which can help with a huge number of conditions. I've treated people for muscular issues, autoimmune conditions, sleep, digestive concerns, headaches, mental health, women's health, and much much more. The possibilities for treatment are endless as we are more focused on your unique concerns rather than a typical "western" condition.

If you would like to book a session you can do so on my website (available here) or please feel free to contact me (07778599033) with any questions you may have.

Hopefully I'll see you soon!

Warmest regards,



Just Life's Balance

Josh Barrow, Acupuncturist at Meadowside Osteopathy (Farnham)

01252 268 802 |

Just Life's Balance Website

The Tai Chi Classics

The Tai Chi Classics

I am a keen podcast listener, and one that I look forward to is The Tai Chi Notebook by martial artist Graham Barlow. His interests cover Tai Chi, Xing Yi, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and the study of the martial arts. He often interviews fellow practitioners, but on his most recent podcast he was alone and talking about the ‘Tai Chi Classics’. I played this over and over on repeat, and I am sure I will do so again. Listen below or find the podcast in your favourite podcast player.

The Health Benefits of Tai Chi

The Health Benefits of Tai Chi

The BBC series 'Trust me I'm a Doctor', hosted by Dr Michael Mosley, conducted a 12 week experiment to compare the effect of exercise on two groups of volunteers between the ages of 65 and 75. Neither group had previously conducted regular exercise. One group participated in Zumba classes and the other in Tai Chi.